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vefinge edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 34 revisions

Welcome to the home of FIESTA

a Fluorescence Image Evaluation Software for Tracking and Analysis developed in MATLAB.

The program is able to detect both point-like (e.g. molecules, beads) and elongated objects (e.g. filaments) with nanometer precision and fully automated. It includes further analysis tools like drift correction, color offset calculation, path statistics and mean-square-calculation.

Notice: We switched hosting of the project to the GitHub repository !

You can help to improve FIESTA by become a contributor, developing code, adding pages in the documentation or writing your own tutorials. If you encounter bugs or want to request enhancements please see the issues tab.


  • 2022-06-14 - The hosting platform for FIESTA at TU-Dresden was shut down, therefore we switched hosting of the project to the GitHub repository.
  • 2019-07-23 - Update to Matlab 2018a and release of 1.6.0, which includes the data analysis for single molecular motor proteins as described in Biophysical Journal, Volume 113, Issue 11
  • 2015-08-19 - Update to MATLAB 2015a and release of 1.04.0000
  • 2015-07-02 - Extended update to 1.03.0002 (no new MCR!)
  • 2014-11-28 - Update to MATLAB 2014b and release of 1.03.0000
  • 2013-09-30 - Update to MATLAB 2013b and release of 1.02.0000
  • 2012-04-16 - Update to MATLAB 2012a and release of 1.01.0000
  • 2011-06-09 - The publication of the filament tracking algorithm realized in FIESTA is now available in the Biophysical Journal, Volume 100, Issue 11



requires Mac OS X 10.11.x or above

requires MATLAB 2018a and the image processing, optimization, curve fitting, statistics and parallel computing toolbox


FIESTA is released under the General Public License 3.0
Download the FIESTA Academic License here.